Saturday, April 8, 2017

Practicing Precision

HS #20  2017.4.4

Practicing Precision

All of you in your fifties and older, I invite you to take a short trip with me into our past.  You young’uns, feel free to come along for the ride.

Remember elementary school? We colored with crayons and water colors – trying hard to stay within the lines. A couple grades later, we practiced writing in cursive – carefully making  bs and ks. We played games like hop-scotch, jacks, and pick up sticks. Hobbies included making model cars – requiring precise gluing and decal work. Young girls cut out doll clothes.

We learned how to multiply four digit numbers together – being careful to carry and add correctly. Subtraction and division took even more care. A mistake at any point ruined the entire answer.

In typing class we practiced correct key strokes, because a mistake required getting out a bottle of white-out fluid, dabbing it on the mistake, and blowing it dry. Too many of them, and we had to retype the page.  Shop class included drafting – drawing precise lines and letters with sharpened HB and 2H pencils.

Those of us who took computer classes in college learned the trials of submitting a stack of IBM cards to the mainframe, waiting two hours, then hoping that a single spelling or punctuation error didn’t stop the program.  If it did, we fixed the mistake, crossed our fingers, and resubmitted.  Since I was an undergraduate at the University of North Dakota, that often meant walking a half-mile across campus in 20 below temps at midnight. No fooling.

How far we have come.  The cost of making mistakes is now negligible.  Don’t know how to spell a word? Type something close and your computer will correct it. Calculators make tedious calculations unnecessary. Drafting with pencils is replaced with CAD (computer aided design). Cars parallel park themselves. We are living in the golden age.

Or are we? Without realizing it, all of that tedium built within us an appreciation of and practice in precision.  And practicing precision with our hands and heads may well have affected the character of our hearts.

Full engagement, concentration, and precision have been replaced with multitasking.  Twenty years ago, Linda Stone coined the term “continuous partial attention” (CPA) to describe the way many of us now live our lives. Instead of being fully intent and losing ourselves in an activity, we multitask – while keeping one ear listening for a cell phone to ring. Consequently, we may be losing the practice of precision and focused concentration - with predictable results.

  After falling for years, auto collision fatalities have risen 14% in the last two years. Pedestrian deaths increased 11% last year alone. (Have you noticed that cars seem to stray outside of their lanes more often?) After decades without a flaw, the recent Academy Awards debacle and Miss America snafu are celebrated examples of errors due to inattention and carelessness.

But as an educator, I’m mostly concerned with how the declination in focus and precision might be affecting character.   “Cleanliness is next to godliness” begins making sense. Since technology is here to stay, what can be done?

During my college years, I spent 15-20 hours a week in Bible studies and evangelism with Campus Crusade for Christ. Given the noble mission, the Campus Director suggested that we students apply the 80-20 principle. It posits that one generally receives 80% of the benefit of an activity in 20% of the time/cost.  E.g., exercising vigorously for 30 minutes a day gives significant health benefit, while increasing to two hours/day will give only limited additional benefit. Diminishing returns.
Thus he encouraged us to spend less time on our studies – settle for B’s in our classes, and use the remaining time for ministry.

I pondered the suggestion. I could see the economy of settling for 80% in many things. On the other hand, it seemed that one should be devoted to some pursuits with full commitment in order to achieve excellence. Since I was heading to graduate school in mathematics, I concluded that my studies required that total commitment, but that I could apply the 80-20 principle to other activities. So I cut back my time in ministry.

So in an age of CPA, multitasking, and texted sentence fragments, it might do us all well to find something – at least one thing in our lives- to do with unmitigated excellence and attention. Pursuing a passion with precision to perfection might do more than cut down on traffic mishaps, it might be good for your soul.