Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Church Hypocrites

HS #19  2017.2.7

Church Hypocrites

Recently I found myself eagerly awaiting the Sunday morning service at my church.  I wanted to be among hypocrites.  

It had been a rough week. I had been in a couple of taxing conversations - emotions laid bare, thoughts expressed without varnish or subtlety. It was all necessary and even appropriate. But as a result, I was emotionally spent, and I realized - maybe for the first time - what a balm and uplift can be gained from a weekly church gathering.

Why the therapeutic value? Certainly the cadence of the service and the familiar setting are soothing and reassuring. Spending time being thankful (hymns), reflecting on how to be a better person (prayer of confession), being reminded of the needs of others (congregational prayer), participating in good artistry (choir and organ), connecting to past generations and the greater world (creeds), and being inspired to look and live for a cause and purpose beyond oneself (sermon), is not a bad outcome of an hour spent.

But just as important is the fact that those in attendance have dedicated themselves - by intention or habit - to being on their best behavior. "Putting on one's Sunday best" is not just an old adage about clothes. It refers more broadly to the commitment of a community of people to bringing and presenting their best selves for a period of an hour or so once a week. And this mutual sacrifice of discipline serves to inspire, edify, and energize each one in the community. 

How interesting that a common reason given for not attending church is that it is filled with hypocrites – folks who are pretending to be something they are not.  But those who wear formal or stylish clothes to church don’t intend others to assume they necessarily dress similarly at home and throughout the week. Instead, they are merely saying, "These are among my best and I want to look my best for others." Nothing wrong with that.  Similarly, it seems, there is nothing wrong with each of us making a disciplined effort to being at our finest for a brief period each week. 

When I go to the gym, those in better physical condition than I serve to motivate me to put in a strenuous workout. When I go to weekly rehearsals with the Holland Chorale, I am inspired by good musicians to improve my own vocalization and interpretation.

Church is somewhat more holistic. Instead of concentrating on a particular skill or passion, one is surrounded by others who are committed simply to becoming better people and practicing being their best selves. Rather neat.

Interestingly, those who complain of hypocrites in the church often describe themselves as “spiritual but not religious.”  Apparently they believe in a greater Being or spiritual force, but are not especially interested in gathering with others regularly to focus on that Being.

In some ways, I fully agree. Certainly the most “spiritual” times and events in my life have happened outside of the confines of a church building. Mine seem to occur while hiking on the beach, or when watching an inspiring movie. (The last fifteen minutes of  “A River Runs Through It” give me goose bumps whenever watching it.)

However, gathering regularly with others to focus on a being (real or not) that embodies love, truth and beauty seems an effective way of building those qualities within oneself. That’s why I describe myself instead as “religious but not spiritual.“  While I don’t find the evidence for the existence of a Spirtual Being to be especially strong, the value of gathering with others to contemplate virtuous living is compelling.

So even though I don’t place much confidence in the assertions of myriad unnamed people over a score of centuries who authored, transmitted, and canonized the Bible, I have little problem trusting and believing in those with whom I gather weekly.  I may doubt the veracity of long-past events recorded by people unknown, but the genuine fellowship and wholesome goodness of Holland neighbors is undeniably authentic.

How wonderful then to belong to a community of friends and neighbors who make an effort to present their best selves. This is a good habit - a life giving custom. And because of it, like the psalmist, I find myself glad to go to the house of the Lord - to gather with fellow hypocrites.