HS #82 2022.5.12
I have a new friend in Holland – an engineering graduate from Texas whose family hails from Pakistan and who follows the Islamic faith. He recently observed the month of Ramadan. More on that later.
Those who visit the cathedrals of Europe, and local ones such as the Cathedral of St. Andrews in Grand Rapids, immediately realize that such structures were built for the glory of God. Soaring arches, stained glass windows, murals and iconography all point one’s thoughts to the Almighty. Other things are obviously less important. Straight-back wooden pews are hard and often uncomfortable.
In contrast, modern Christian churches are largely designed for the comfort of us. Some to the extreme – well equipped with the amenities of 4-star hotels. Leather lounge chairs, polished tiled floors, coffee shops, cushioned seats, recreation centers. Belonging to a church is not unlike being a member of a family country club. It all makes practicing the Christian faith comfortable and enjoyable. Today’s reality compares with 20-year-old humor of a Doonesbury cartoon which depicted a couple deciding which church to join. Speaking to a pastor, the husband explains that he doesn’t like that church’s emphasis on sin, but observes, “However - you DO have racquetball courts.”
To be clear, I am not (necessarily) criticizing. Indeed, as an avid pickle ball player I appreciate the generosity of local churches in making their recreational facilities available to the community. Instead, I’m just observing a clear trend in the practice of the Christian faith.
As buildings and programs have become more user-friendly, the more austere practices of the Christian faith are disappearing. As a 9th and 10th grader in an RCA church, I joined all my peers for two years in spending an hour each Saturday morning learning the Heidelberg Catechism including homework and memorization. Other more fun activities were put aside. In contrast, churches now are more likely to offer (and pay for) weeklong adventure mission trips where young people and other members can visit and offer help in exotic faraway places – even (I’m told) as remote as Nepal/Tibet.
Indeed, Christian Smith describes the modern religion of young people as Moralistic Therapeutic Deism. Religion is meant to make our lives easier without imposing any costs. Convenience and comfort is the modern creed.
This is not to say that no Christians sacrifice. Indeed, the impressive church facilities in Holland have been financed with the tithes and donations of members. Some give to causes that help those beyond the walls of their church. Many donate their time generously.
But this all stands in stark contrast to the personal sacrifice of Muslims in observing Ramadan. Ramadan is an annual observance during which Muslims fast from sunup until sundown. Not just for a day or even a week, but for an entire month. Here in Holland when Ramadan, which follows the Islamic lunar calendar, occurs during the summer months, this means going daily from 6:00am until 9:30pm without food and water.
What is the contrast with the sacrifices Christians make? Two important ones.
First of all, Ramadan is practiced worldwide by over 90% of able-bodied Muslims past puberty. That’s difficult enough when living in a predominantly Islamic country where laws and customs accommodate it. It is much tougher when observed in America where Muslims must continue with their jobs and other activities all while fasting.
But more important is this essential difference. The sacrifices that Christians make, as explained above, are either done with an eye towards their own comfort and enjoyment, or are activities that even non-religious folk may undertake motivated by humanitarianism – such as giving to and helping the poor and needy.
In contrast, Ramadan is a singularly religious practice. Unlike Christian activities motivated by self-serving or humanitarian reasons, Ramadan is observed solely because it is commanded by Allah. There is no other reason to make this extended annual sacrifice of time and comfort than to honor and obey Allah.
That’s pure and unadulterated worship. Impressive.
That’s not to say that Ramadan is without side benefits. This demanding practice promotes community and shared sacrifice similar to military traditions which develop esprit de corps. It also helps one develop self-discipline – discipline needed in observing other practices of the Islamic faith and virtuous living. Indeed, it was this discipline and community that transformed the life of Malcolm X from one of crime and self-centeredness to a life dedicated to changing the world.
Impressive indeed. No matter our own beliefs, would that we all should live so well.